fbpx Vidya Bharti's new executive committee was formed at the All India General Assembly meeting, Ranchi | VB Portal

Vidya Bharti's new executive committee was formed at the All India General Assembly meeting, Ranchi

vidya bharti's new executive committee was formed at the all india general assembly meeting, ranchi
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date_range 30-07-2022 13:01:52

Vidya Bharti's new executive committee was formed at the All India General Assembly meeting, Ranchi. After that the first meeting of All India Executive was held on 30-31 July at Saraswati Bal Mandir, Nehru Nagar. 25 members participated in this meeting. Dr. Krishna Gopal ji, the Sah Sarkaryvah of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was present at the event. Upcoming programs and our role in Vidya Bharati's work was discussed in details during the meeting.https://bit.ly/3p6Tutq