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Alumni Gaurav Joshi joins 'Haldwani Online Sanstha' to serve society

Alumni Gaurav Joshi joins 'Haldwani Online Sanstha' to serve society


With advancing technologies and high penetration of the internet across the world, social media has become an integral part of human society. People are no longer bounded by geographical locations, cultural backgrounds, race or religion. Though social media has few negative impact, on the flip side, in the right hands it can be a tool of sweeping positive changes.

While deliberating the advantages of social media, one sector is often overlooked, and that is the sector of ‘Social work’. However recently this sector is realizing the advantages of social media and using it to connect with the global community, while giving a common platform to like minded change makers.

Gaurav Joshi an alumnus of Hargovind Suyal SVM, Kusumkhera, Uttarakhand, grew up learning the importance of social work since school, and was interested to serve the needy as he became an adult. In spite of his wish to associate himself with social service, he was finding it difficult to find an organisation that not only was associated with impactful work, but also flexible enough to accommodate his busy schedule as a professional and business owner of ‘Sanstri Tirth Yatra’.


During his search he came across the facebook group ‘Haldwani Online Sanstha’, that was started in 2018 by Dinesh lweshali. The group has more than 55 thousand followers across India and is associated with a wide range of social work. Few of the programs undertaken by the group is listed below, with which Gaurav is involved:

  • Jal dhara: Under this program members distribute water on hot summer days to traffic police, homeless people, rickshaw pullers and daily laborers. They also run campaigns on the dangers of dehydration.

  • Anna dhara-  The members prepare and provide food to needy patients and their family members in Haldwani Govt Hospital.

  • Samvad dhara- This program was started to discuss and spread awareness related to topics of public benefit, such as youth awareness, environmental policies,income tax etc. Several well known dignitaries are a part of this program.

  • Blood donation camps - Regular blood donations are organised by the members. Recently due to breakout of malaria, the members arranged for 300 plus units of blood to meet the demand of local hospitals.

  • Crowdfunding - Apart form volunteering for social service the members also raise funds for different projects on need basis through the platform of crowdfunding.

According to Gaurav, being associated with ‘Haldwani Online Sanstha’ has enabled him to reach out and help a wide array of beneficiaries and feels thankful to be associated with such positive and meaningful work.


If you are associated with any kind of social / community service and would like to share your experience with the Vidya Bharati alumni community, kindly fill the form at : https://www.vidyabharatialumni.org/social-service-survey  and we will contact you back.
