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Vidya Bharati Alumni helps to setup rainwater harvesting system in his school

Vidya Bharati Alumni helps to setup rainwater harvesting system in his school


India receives heavy seasonal rainfall, but most of the water is lost due to wastage as a result of  surface run off from concrete structures. In an agricultural country like India, where large quantity of water is required for irrigation, judicious use of water is necessary. With recent focus on the importance of immediate environmental conservation, thankfully several steps are being taken to preserve the available natural resources.

Vidya Bharati has always laid great stress on environmental sustainability and conservation. As a result all students of Vidya Bharati schools grow up learning about its importance.

Exemplifying this thought process, alumni Shri Atul Laddha, helped his school Bharat Bharati Ayasya Vidyalaya, Betul in Madhya Pradesh to set up a rainwater harvesting system. The setup has the capability to cultivate more than two acres of paddy every year. The harvested water can also be used by the residents of Betul for basic day to day needs (except drinking).

Laddha ji, who is also the Managing Director of Vectus Industry Limited donated necessary equipment required for the system. The whole setup has a capacity to hold more than 60 thousand liters of rain water, which is collected from the roof of the school, cleaned and distributed via ‘pucca’ drains.

What Are The Benefits Of Rainwater Collection?

  • Rainwater is a relatively clean and absolutely free source of water 

  • It is ideal for cities with water restrictions

  • It is socially acceptable and environmentally responsible 

  • It promotes self-sufficiency and helps conserve water 

  • Rainwater is better for landscape plants and gardens because it is not chlorinated

  • It can solve the drainage problems of residential properties 

  • It uses simple technologies that are inexpensive and easy to maintain 

  • It can be used as a main source of water or as a backup source to wells and municipal water

  • The system can easily fit in existing structure or built during new home construction

  • It can provide an excellent back-up source of water for emergencies

Rain water harvesting and water conservation as a whole has been a major focus of Vidya Bharati, in several areas of the country. 


If you are interested to help your school set up similar systems kindly write to us at iinfo@vidyabharatialumni.org
